February 2023
In preparing my recent book, “The Question of Truth” (which I’m offering again) I ran across a little comment that I wish to share. While some scientists were studying the unique and specific features of our Moon, features that literally, make our existence possible. This caused one of them in relating these discoveries, to say that it raised, “philosophical disquiet.”[1]
Yes, ‘disquiet,’ because all the current discovered of our vast universe are a clear challenge to the entire atheistic worldview. I don’t believe our secular world, and indeed many believers, are aware of just how much recent discoveries have undermined the very basis of atheism, and therefore secularism. The delicate balance of God’s creation appears so, for one reason, our existence. The Hubble space telescope, and a vast array of other scientific apparatus have amazingly opened our entire universe to a constant stream of new vistas, new understandings, and new discoveries.
This, with the mapping of the human genome, with its billions of codes is making it extremely difficult for scientists to believe that our existence is some cosmic accident. Everything is so amazingly precise; finely balance for the possibility of our existence on this, our little speck in the vastness of our universe. However, this is very hard to accept, for those who have spent their lives mocking faith, and believing science had “eliminated” God. Unfortunately for them, far from eliminating God they are amazingly finding the exact opposite, and why this “philosophical disquiet.”
Most know that the scientific establishment has ceased using B.C. (before Christ) when dating antiquities, or dating events more than two thou-sands years ago, preferring to use B.C.E. (before the Common Era). I know it’s a bit childish, but we must take care and not injury these scientist’s “delicate sensibilities.” After all it may be hurtful to be reminded there is a Christ, who has had an incredible impact on all of history, and indeed all of science, even if you refuse to admit it.
Now with the growing unavoidable reality of the “Anthropic Principal,” or what is termed the “law of Human existence,” more things have changed. It is no longer merely a question of, “is there a creator?” But what is the creator like, and how was it done? This has forced these “sensitive souls” to create a word for something they are uncomfortable in admitting. The word is “Exnihilator,” using the Greek ‘ex’ (out of) with ‘nihilator’ (which means ‘nothing’). These “scholars” now can speak of “what was brought into being out of nothing,” without using the word God. I share this because I find this also childish. I want to awaken believers to the reality that atheism is the refuge of the ignorant. Only their arrogance, and insistence on the absurd-ities that our universe came from nothing, that life arose from non-life, complex life arose from microbes, and our self-reflection, freewill, and our mentality agility are all some improbable accidents. This is the surely the most sterile and absurd notion in the history of human thought, a materialistic myth, propped up by coercion and outright denial. To paraphrase from my book; ‘they will embrace any nonsense, rather than the reality of God.’
It is sad, and yet disturbing, but we face a world that believes foolishness, lies, and what are distopian fantasies, rather than an actual Creator. One that is redemptive and gracious, and would be even for them.
Let us be ‘equip with everything good so as to do His will,’ (Heb.13:21)
Thomas R. Wyatt