A Birth That Changed Everything!
December 2021
Merry Christmas my faithful friends:
It’s Christmas; a time in which all of Christianity celebrates this special birth, be it millions of Coptic’s in Muslim Egypt, those gathered under an Acacia Tree in Tanza-nia, or in the glorious cathedral in Chartres, France. They all celebrate in their own way the birth of Jesus. It is now a global celebration, and why should it not, even with all the other images and phony stories. All of which are so shallow and mundane com-pared to the real thing; the beauty and wonder of this child. For this one event has changed everything; how God is worshiped, how we see our world, how societies are structured, how we interact with others in all we do. He changed science, business, politics, even how we engage in warfare, everything. This is often not appreciated, and many are unaware of how His life has affected everything, even some Christians.
However, that is really why this is such a special time, and what I have tried to re-late using real events. How Christmas has brought those separated by war together, healed relationships, will in odd circumstances remind us of what love should be, and Sharon’s favorite, a horse that appears suddenly on a battlefield enabling a soldier to evacuate those seriously wounded. Then the miraculous; a boy trying to surprise his friend with a gift only to hit an electrified fence, and have it “heal” a deaf ear, a bag of Christmas gifts that always has one more gift for children who have nothing. These real events we have shared because it seems the season for it. One might call it, “magic,” but it is God at work!
Yet why at this time? Is this season so “magical” because children or grandchil-dren are so filled with wonder, excitement, or anticipation? Does that affect we as adults so much that we too are filled with a sense of wonder? Is it just that everywhere we see the decorations, anticipation, and warmth and it’s infectious, and we want to share a little love, and joy with others? Whatever it is, wouldn’t it be even more glori-ous to feel this way longer, even all year long?
When you realize the truth of what brings to this season the need to retell such marvelous and wondrous stories, it should never leave us. Our faith is indeed a marvel of peace, joy, and hope. When you have, as I have, been in close contract with a myr-iad of other religions, Christianity is just so different. It is our music, even our worship when it is what it can be, and especially our message. Then our fellowship, even with Christians you meet for the first time, especially those of other lands. They really are our brothers and sisters. That is so unmistakable and special.
So why can’t we prolong this Christmas feeling? Our faith is so special, based as it is, on the life of such an incredible man. One conceived of an angelic message, born to angelic voices, and visits of wise men. He who was born Messiah, Savior, Son of God, and is the incarnation, “Immanuel,” God with us. This all requires words we don’t have, for it reveals the very Creator. He who holds all, this universe in balance, made life possible, and in doing so brought mankind into existence that we might ac-tually enjoy His presence. Our worship but hints of this, and if we magnified it a billion times it is what our dwelling with Him will entail. Our present condition could not with-stand the intensity of His love. As Paul relates, “No eye has seen nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived, what God has prepared for those that love Him” (1 Cor. 2:9).
This whole Christmas “feeling” is something we should hold on to, for what we have been given, promised, and what at times we experience in Christmas, Easter, at times in our Sunday worship, should be part of every moment of our lives. We will dwell in His love and wonder one day, why not a little more now? Yes, Christmas is truly wonderful, but our faith is the only truth. Here only is true peace, joy, and love, and what gives life meaning, purpose, and hope so why not live it more and more each day?
May this Christmas last as a source of joy, peace, and love,
Thomas R. Wyatt