Rejoicing in who we are!
My Dear Friends: You may have noticed that the efforts to dismiss, discredit, if not destroy our faith is still underway. We must expect such from an enemy that has been defeated, knows time is limited, but is so...
He is Risen
He Is Risen! Easter 2023 My Dear Friend in Christ: This Easter season on the broadcast we have been using texts from the Old Testament, and it is apparent that what we are now commemorating was totally...
Thy Will Be Done!
My Dear Faithful Friend: I recently found myself with others reciting the “Lord’s Prayer.” Most seemed to simply repeat the words without meaning, yet the words, “thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, as it...
Amazing Again
February 2023 In preparing my recent book, “The Question of Truth” (which I’m offering again) I ran across a little comment that I wish to share. While some scientists were studying the unique...
What is it about this year?
What Is It About This Year? January 2023 My Gracious Friend: When I was not yet born, my grandfather; Thomas Wyatt, initiated the Wings of Healing radio ministry from a hastily build Quonset style auditorium called the “Downtown Tabernacle,” in...
Without Jesus, What?
December 2022 Merry Christmas my faithful friends: This year has really flown; birthdays (October for me has a lot of birthdays), “trick or treating” with grandkids, then Thanksgiving. All have seemingly passed in a flash, and now Christmas...
God Is Always There
My Thankful Friend, Just as I am sure you do, I find myself often expressing my thanks to our Lord throughout day. Those moments of sudden realization of how fortunate one is; one is feeling good, has just...
Bitter Sweet
Bitter Sweet! My faithful Friend: September, 2022 This particular month has some importance for me. It was Sharon’s birth month, where for just over three weeks we were the same age (she didn’t like that, but we had fun...
Why Such Anger?
My Christian friend: One has to have notice how some people can get very angry! Yes, they are of a particular persuasion, one that never seems happy even when they win, and are extremely violent when they lose....