What Are We Doing?
My Faithful friends: This month of July has always been a special time of the year; celebrating the formation and then the maturity of two of the oldest republics in existence. It is still worth doing, and...
God Is Good!
My gracious friend: I have Purposefully underlined the verb is, because often when we wish to express how God does good things, we miss the true meaning. It is true He does good, but He is more, He...
More Than Milestones!
My Dear Friends: The month of May, let’s face it, centers on Mother’s Day. In the past we have marked that day also as the anniversary of this ministry, and did so every year. Instead I have observed only...
From Show Biz to Sunday School
FROM SHOW BIZ TO SUNDAY SCHOOL Sharon Leann Wyatt’s autobiography BEACH BLANKET BIMBOS (Concluding) As I immerged from the trailer, I was looked at very strangely for the rest of the day, and no one did the part that I...
From Show Biz to Sunday School
FROM SHOW BIZ TO SUNDAY SCHOOL Sharon Leann Wyatt’s autobiography BEACH BLANKET BIMBOS (Part Four) The whole feeling of the show I loathed. I had worked on it several times before this particular occasion, and even when not being in...
It Is Finished
It Is Finished! Easter 2022 My Dear Friend in Christ: This Easter I want to not just look at the Resurrection, but the Cross. When Jesus will say, what many believe was His last word, “Tetelestai’ (what was probably the...
Thy Kingdom Come!
Thy Kingdom Come…! March 2022 My Dear Gracious friend: I have found there is always so much more to our faith than we can imagine. It is why it’s so difficult for skeptics and the disparagers of our faith to...
My Church
“My Church!” February 2022 My Dear Partners in Christ: Over the holidays I spent time with my brother and his family out of state. It was an enjoyable time for me as he, as you may remember, is deeply involved...
Can We Do All Things?
Can We Do All Things? January 2022 My Gracious Friend: Yes, another year, but may this one be blessed, and our Lord grant that it lack the uncertainty, chaos, and fear that were so much a part of last year....
A Birth that changed Everything
A Birth That Changed Everything! December 2021 Merry Christmas my faithful friends: It’s Christmas; a time in which all of Christianity celebrates this special birth, be it millions of Coptic’s in Muslim Egypt, those gathered under an Acacia Tree in...