Blessed are those that believe
Just what did Thomas see on that second appearance of the risen Lord to the gathered disciples?
The Climax of it all
The Easter program with a sound defense of this foundational event of our faith, the resurrection of our Lord.
Hosanna, Save Now
The Palm Sunday program with some fascinating insights into this amazing event.
Do You Believe This?
This is a wonderful look at perhaps the greatest miracle that Jesus performed, the raising of Lazarus after four days in a tomb.
Battling Darkness
We are to be children of light, and to battle darkness. But just what is the darkness?
Rejoice, Exalt
What we have obtained in Christ is beyond all expectations and reason to rejoice, and so much more.
Heirs of the Promise
Just what does Paul mean by believers being heirs of the promise? And just what promise is that?
To Reign With Him
What does Paul mean by his statement that we are to reign in life? And what might that imply for our Christian lives today?
Anything but…!
Here in this Transfiguration Sundays sermon Dr. Wyatt find that this event is anything but what the disciples see, or what many of us think it is about.