This Year For Our Lord
In this coming year, which will be filled with dissention and disagreement, let us make it also a year that in the important ways we do all we can for our Lord, and our faith.
All authority
The gospel of Matthew concludes with this astonishing claim of the risen Christ, and then what is called the “Great Commission,” that we are to make disciples of all nations, and what that means.
Now the birth….
This is the Christmas broadcast using the simple and brief account of Matthew. It is about the dreams to Joseph and Matthews interest in the fulfillment of prophecy, particularly the prophecy concerning a “virgin.”
Do this in remembrance of me!
This is a surprising look at what we call communion, the Eucharist, or the Lord’s Table. An interesting exegesis on what Jesus says, what Paul adds, and why most theologies and our understanding of this event are inadequate.
Counted as sheep!
This series concludes with the parable that seems to outline that final judgment, It is like a shepherd separating the goats from the sheep, and does so over the smallest most seemingly insignificants acts toward others. A surprise to both...
Be ready!
This is a careful look at the parable of the talents, and what it means for our lives as disciples in an age when so many are expecting His return at nay moment. We are to be about our master’s...
Take heed and watch!
Jesus answers the second question from His disciples, after answering the first concerning the destruction of the Temple. With a series of parables the answer to when He will come is to take heed and watch.
This gathering darkness!
This begins a series on the prophesy of Jesus concerning what is to come. First what will befall those that believe in Him, and what they will face as they spread the gospel.
O hypocrites, O Jerusalem!
Here is a Jesus most are unfamiliar with as He unveils the duplicity and injustice of the religious elite in Jerusalem, and then expresses His remorse over what will be the fate of the city of Jerusalem.
He who would be great!
Here is a look at the disciples desire to be the greatest, but Jesus will bring a different perspective about who will be considered great, and how you become considered so.